What is the Skin Microbiome?

What is the Skin Microbiome?

The microbiome is a community of microorganisms that live on and in the human body, including the skin. Recent research has shown that the microbiome plays an important role in maintaining skin health, by regulating inflammation and protecting against harmful bacteria. Imbalances in the microbiome can lead to skin problems such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. We love to help our clients restore balance to their gut! Whether you’re dealing with lackluster or irritated skin OR a condition like acne, psoriasis or eczema skin troubles can be really frustrating. Beyond being irritating and painful, many people find that topical remedies, antibiotics or expensive treatments fail to make a lasting difference. This is often because we are missing a MASSIVE component in healing the skin…you guessed it…the GUT!

By taking care of the gut microbiome, we can promote healthy, glowing skin!

The human skin, your largest organ is home to millions of bacteria, fungi and viruses that compose the skin microbiota. These play important roles in maintaining skin health and protecting against harmful pathogens. The skin microbiome is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, hygiene, and environmental exposures. Similar to those in our gut, skin microorganisms have essential roles to protect us from invading pathogens!


  • Your skin is an essential part of your body’s immune system, and it plays a crucial role in protecting us from harmful pathogens.
  • The skin microbiome is made up of a variety of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live on the skin’s surface and in its deeper layers. These microorganisms play a critical role in maintaining the skin’s health and preventing infection.
  • Research has shown that the skin microbiome is closely linked to the overall health of the skin. In fact, disruptions to the skin microbiome have been linked to a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

One of the primary ways that the skin microbiome helps to maintain skin health is by acting as a barrier against harmful pathogens. The microorganisms on the skin’s surface form a protective layer that prevent harmful bacteria from penetrating the skin. However, disruptions to the skin microbiome can weaken this barrier, making it easier for harmful pathogens to enter the body. By restoring bacterial balance in the gut we promote healthy microbial balance from the inside out! (Not to mention we can get a huge boost in SCFA’s which affect immune/inflammatory reactions in the skin).

Overall, the skin microbiome plays an ESSENTIAL role in maintaining the health of the skin. By taking steps to support the skin microbiome, such as using gentle skincare products and avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, we can help to keep our skin healthy!

Here are some ways you can support bacterial balance on your skin:

  • Avoid over-washing your skin with harsh soaps and detergents.
  • Use gentle, pH-balanced cleansers. Check out my beauty care routine here!
  • Eat a variety of healthful foods, including probiotic rich foods!
  • Choose clothing made from natural fibers that allow your skin to breathe.
  • Avoid over using antibacterial products, as they can disrupt the balance of bacteria on your skin.
  • Use a skin probiotic, like Mother Dirt or Mary Ruth’s spray.
  • Get dirty – exposure to diverse environmental microbes can help strengthen and diversify your skin’s microbial community.

When working with skin health clients we ALWAYS start our work from the inside out. Healing your body systems on a foundational level is integral to getting sustainable and lasting results with your skin health goals!

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