These are a few of our Favorite teas…

These are a few of our Favorite teas…

First off, tea is the most popular drink in the world, after water.  It involves pouring hot water over cured leaves, in particular the Camellia Sinensis Plant.  Teas have a variety of health benefits including energy boosts, digestive support, and help in improving immunity.  But which one should you drink based on your own personal goals and palate?

To help support many of our client’s health goals, we often recommend the following blends.

  1. Chamomile and Catnip tea. This is a great option for those needing some extra gut support. It’s an excellent blend for individuals suffering from GERD as it helps strengthen the LES valve (the little guy that should close when you swallow) and it also helps support the gallbladder.
  2. Nettles tea can help with anyone battling high histamine loads and individuals seeking out Vitamin C and antioxidants support. It’s also a natural testosterone booster.
  3. Dandelion is a great option to help your liver and the detoxification process.  It also supports liver enzyme creation that can aid in digestion and healthy bile flow.  We know that bile helps eliminate hormones and so dandelion tea can help flush out excess estrogen as well.  It’s chock full of potassium which is a great heart boost.  
  4. Green tea has got to be one of the most versatile options out there.  It comes in all kinds of flavors and is full of antioxidants.  It’s a great way to naturally detox daily.
  5. Kava Kava is an option for individuals who struggle with anxiety, mood shifts, pain and achy joints or sleep disturbances. Yogi brand blend of Kava has a nice cinnamon and licorice flavor.  As this can have a relaxing effect, only drink it at nighttime and start slowly.
  6. Feeling scratchy?  Throat Coat tea it up!  It’s quite soothing and can really help.

We love adding a tsp. of Manuka honey, oat, coconut, or almond milk to our tea.  Manuka honey, in particular, has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it the perfect combination with tea!   

We love to shop local at Badger Canyon Tea Company, or Highlands Organic Market where many of these varieties can be found!

What’s your favorite kind of tea?  Leave us a comment below!

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