Social distancing schedule, boredom buster and other helpful family ideas

Social distancing schedule, boredom buster and other helpful family ideas

Breathe in. Breathe out.


With most of the country heading into social distancing/isolation, a lot of us are scrambling with ideas to keep our kids on track for school, or away from boredom. It’s been great to see so many resources out there and we are going to share a few with you here. In another post, we talk more about strategies to keeping healthy during this time and keeping stress at bay is a priority. All that to say, we’ve put together a framework schedule that could be helpful. Like in all things LIFE has a way of getting in the way of our plans so if you get to the end of a day and your kids didn’t do anything “academic” and are all still in pj’s when dinner rolls around….well DON’T stress it! There are tons of ways children learn!

For example, reading could be your child helping you in the kitchen with a recipe book. This is one of my favorites and chock full of nutritional advice. Math could be whipping up a double batch of Harvest Apple Muffins or skip counting while you jump on the trampoline.  We are keeping a quarantine journal-a great idea to get in some writing skills. Rhyme with your kids while you fold laundry and count while you do dishes (home economics + math = winning).

Make getting outdoors a priority! Nature is the best medicine for so many things.

Most importantly have grace. Kids are adjusting, you are adjusting. Our days certainly aren’t going to look as perfect as they do on a schedule, but we can use it as a tool. 🙂

Here’s an idea for what your days could look like. I’ve included the clickable PDF if you would like to print it for your fridge.

Social distancing/isolation schedule printable PDF

Links mentioned in above schedule for ideas:

Cosmic kids yoga

Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility

Guide to cookery skills by age

Benefits of dirt and mud play


Here’s a fun print out to help with the “I’m bored!” moments.

Boredom Buster printable PDF

Khan Academy is a great free resource, and they have schedule ideas on their web site as well. If the huge list of free resources overwhelms you I would just start here.

This website has a list of Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings:

One of our Facebook followers who is a homeschool mom shared these resources with us:
  • iPad: Dragonbox games, Lego Fix the Factory, Scratch, BrainPop, TinyBop games, Prodigy, Epic
  • Netflix: Brain Games, Cells at Work
  • Amazon: Who was?
  • Hulu: Mythbusters
  • YouTube: Mark Rober, Smarter Every Day, Oversimplified

I would love to hear in the comments any wins you are having with your family!

Please take care! Enjoy the extra time you may get to be with your family and reach out to us if there is any way we can help you in this season!

For more help and inspiration with family nutrition check out our Family Wellness Course.

This post contains amazon affiliate links which means I receive a small commission from sales to help pay for my blog, but the price is the same for you.
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