Is your Gallbladder Cranky?

Is your Gallbladder Cranky?

How do you know if your Gallbladder is cranky?

According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 10-15% of the U.S. population have asymptomatic gallstones.  Of these, 20% are symptomatic and 300,000 cholecystectomies are performed each year. That’s an astounding number!

Some of this may be due to family history, but a large part may also be caused by a high fat, high cholesterol, and low fiber diet.  The gallbladder is responsible for storing bile created by the liver.  If a diet is high in fat, that little guy gets a little fatigued and can’t keep up.  When this happens, the stored bile gets a little sludgy and can turn to stones.  Ouch! 

If you’re having some of the following symptoms, it may be time to switch things up a bit…

  • Pain in your upper abdomen, especially after a large or high fat meal
  • You have a loss of appetite.
  • You experience nausea, vomiting or chronic diarrhea.
  • You sense hormonal imbalances.
  • Your urine is tea colored.
  • Your stools are less than ideal (grey and floaty, yellow and greasy, foul-smelling)
  • Low grade fevers have become more normal.
  • You’re jaundiced.  This may mean gallstones have already formed.

We can help!  When caught early, sometimes a simple lifestyle change and diet modification can encourage that fella to do its job!

Here are some ways to show him love:
  1. For starters, slow down and enjoy your meal.  Digestion starts with smelling and chewing your food.  These processes trigger bile to flow.  
  2. Eat a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Fiber is your friend (and your gallbladders). Vitamins C & E have also shown to be protective against stones. Try starting your meal with bitter foods like artichoke, beets, and dark leafy greens.
  3. Drink plenty of water.  This helps to thin the bile and keep things moving.
  4. Increase your healthy fats, while avoiding excess fried food.  Oils like avocado and coconut are excellent alternatives and very gentle for digestion.
  5. Avoid too much red meat. Instead choose fish, lean poultry, or tofu.  These options can help cut down on inflammation in your body.

Bonus!  Bile helps to collect cholesterol and remove excess hormones from the body!

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