Is Colored Salt better than Plain?

Is Colored Salt better than Plain?

Why is colored salt better than plain white?

Black, grey, purple, pink, white…How do we know what we should buy? Our body requires sodium so that it can have a properly functioning nervous system, contract and relax muscles, as well as maintain proper hydration. The coloration of some salts come from the higher concentrations of trace minerals and the locations that they were harvested. These salts tend to be less refined and can give the body an extra boost of nutrients that plain white salt can’t do.

Tips that we like to recommend to our clients… Try them and let us know how you feel in the comments below!

Try adding a sprinkle of salt to your water! This helps balance your body’s electrolytes and you’ll find you retain the water you drink more readily, feeling more energetic and balanced. Feeling the afternoon slump? Have a seat. Then place a piece of pink salt under your tongue and take 5 deep belly breaths. This can stimulate your adrenals which often get fatigued.

Check out some further information from the Michelin Guide on where the colors come from!

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