How to Build a Better Smoothie

How to Build a Better Smoothie

Mornings are busy. Things can get crazy. Blending up a nutrient packed smoothie can be a great option for a quick and easy, nutrient dense breakfast. The tricky part is being mindful that you aren’t just loading up on sugar from an all fruit smoothie and to make sure you’re starting your day with plenty of protein. Green protein smoothies are a great way to insure you and your family are getting in more vegetables and will have sustainable energy throughout the day. Once you become a smoothie professional you’ll find it’s an easy peasy way to load in a whole lot more greens than your kid would sit there to eat in a serving.


  • If your kid is not so keen on the green color, try adding just a few kale leaves in the first smoothie, and then continue to increase the amount of leaves that you add in on future smoothies. Another idea is to use an opaque cup, so they realize they actually do like the flavor before they get thrown off by the color! For more ideas if you have a picky eater we have some great ideas in this blog post.
  • Have your children participate in the making of the smoothie, particularly picking the fruits and greens. This way he/she will be more likely to enjoy the final product.
  • Making pre-prepped smoothie bags can be a fantastic way to minimize waste if you have some produce that needs to be used up, additionally it will ensure whipping up a smoothie to be even quicker and easier! In this video I’ll show you how I threw together some smoothie bags to have prepped in our freezer.


Here’s a little guideline for you in prepping a nice balanced smoothie. Play around with your ingredients, find what you and your kids like!


Other add in ideas:

Does your family regularly enjoy smoothies? What are some of your favorite add ins? I’d love to hear in the comments!

For more help and inspiration with family nutrition check out our family wellness course.