Emily’s Beauty Care Regimen

Emily’s Beauty Care Regimen

If you wouldn’t EAT it I don’t recommend putting it on your skin. As our BIGGEST detoxifying organ the skin takes a beating from beauty care products, soaps, detergents, environmental triggers etc. Give your body a break and ease away from harmful chemical compounds that clog the system.  Check out the EWG for rankings of your current products as well as ideas for switching.

Do the best you can with what you know! We can’t all just throw out all the things and afford to replace it with new, cleaner products. As you run out of things consider what you can replace with cleaner options! As always reach out to me if you have any questions!

This post contains amazon affiliate links which means I receive a small commission from sales to help pay for my blog, but the price is the same for you.

  • Ella Crews
    Posted at 14:02h, 08 March

    Such a beauty ful post.. Thanks For Sharing this article..

  • Pingback:What is the Skin Microbiome? – Nielsen Integrative Nutrition, LLC
    Posted at 02:29h, 22 April

    […] Use gentle, pH-balanced cleansers. Check out my beauty care routine here! […]

  • Tammy
    Posted at 21:10h, 25 April

    Thank you for all of your insight! Is the African black soap good for eczema? Or is there another option specifically for eczema problems?

    • Admin
      Posted at 01:53h, 02 June

      Great question! African black soap can be a bit too drying for some eczema spots so we like to recommend products with honey and colloidal oats (and even goat milk) for gentle cleansing on that skin concern.