Dairy and Nut Free Pesto

Dairy and Nut Free Pesto

About this time of year my basil plant goes bonkers and produces more basil than I know what to do with. Crazy that a dollar packet of seeds chucked haphazardly in a patch of dirt would turn into a monster of a basil plant that produces beautiful nutrient dense little leaves every year.

Adding fresh herbs and spices to our food is a great way to increase health and wellness and basil is no exception! This powerful little dude is packed with antioxidants, is fantastic for digestion, can boost the immune system and even enhance our mood by supporting neurotransmitters!!

Basil is an easy and yummy add in that will help your body detox, heal faster and be happier!

Here is a great quick and easy recipe that avoids dairy and nuts in case you or your kiddos have allergies (or you’re running low ok ingredients). We like to add pesto to chickpea noodles and veggies, on roasted veggies or chicken or used as a dip or dressing for ALL the things.

Bonus: it can be frozen for a quick and easy, last minute dinner!!

For more support with family nutrition check out our online Family Wellness Course.

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