Busy Lives and Building Margin for your Family

Busy Lives and Building Margin for your Family

Margin– the space in between.

Here at Nielsen Nutrition we are all working on margin in our family lives! Preaching straight to the choir! 🙂

Margin is generally not built into our lives any more because we are literally running from one activity to the next. It is an essential element for a healthy lifestyle. Pay attention to empty or quiet spaces in your lives…do you have any? If not you’ll struggle to be successful in making consistent, sustainable changes to your dietary habits, your lifestyle, movement and activity. Creating margin also helps us create a rhythm for allowing more time and space for those we care about. Can you create margin by planning ahead a little bit? Can you remove things from your plate? Can you say no to a few things? This is where real life happens and where memories get made, in that cushion, that space! 

Why create margin?

  • It gives us space to manage stress.
  • Margin in our daily routine allows us to prioritize care of self, rest, and relaxation.
  • It gives us the flexibility to handle unexpected challenges without feeling overwhelmed.
  • It improves our mental and physical health.
  • It enhances our productivity and creativity.
  • Margin helps build stronger relationships with those around us!

In a world that often values constant productivity and busyness, it’s important to intentionally create space and margin in your life. Margin is the breathing room that allows you to rest, reflect, and recharge. Margin gives you the space to be successful in making consistent, sustainable changes to your dietary habits, your lifestyle, movement and activity.

Here are a few tips to help you create margin in your life:

  1. Prioritize your time – Identify your most important tasks and focus on those first. Learn to say “no” to requests that don’t align with your priorities.
  2. Schedule downtime – Schedule time for rest and relaxation just as you would schedule work or appointments. This sends a message to yourself and others that your well-being is a priority.
  3. Unplug – Take time to disconnect from technology and social media regularly. This can help you stay present and focused on the moment.
  4. Simplify – Declutter your physical and mental space to create a sense of calm and reduce stress.

Remember, creating margin in your life is not a luxury, it’s a necessity for your overall health and well-being.

Baby steps!

Making slow, sustainable changes is a powerful way to achieve long-term success in any area of life. By taking small, incremental steps towards our goals, we can build momentum and develop habits that stick. It’s important to be patient and kind to ourselves, recognizing that change takes time and effort. Instead of trying to overhaul our entire lives overnight, we can focus on one or two areas where we’d like to improve and gradually work towards our vision. Whether it’s adopting a healthier diet, exercising more, or reducing our carbon footprint, slow and steady progress is key to making lasting change.

Stay positive with your perspective. Nothing was ever gained from going at something with a negative perspective. i.e. “If I didn’t eat garbage I wouldn’t have acne,” or “If I didn’t feed my kids dyes they wouldn’t be so hyperactive.” Get away from focusing on the negative. A negative campaign never worked. Think on the positive things that happen when you make better choices!

Get back to the basics.

Don’t underestimate the basics! Add in that serving of veggies, take that walk, make time to play and be creative! We’d love to hear from you! What are you goals for creating margin in your busy lives?


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