Emily’s Top 5 Flu Fighting Tips

Emily’s Top 5 Flu Fighting Tips

Everybody was Kung Flu Fighting….ha hyah!

Step 1: Stop stressing out. I’m not even kidding! Please be mindful of our world and your potential exposure to viruses and bacteria and foods that may be harmful, but do not go down the rabbit hole people. Let’s not have another Y2K situation on our hands. Plus, I don’t want ya’ll to cause a toilet paper shortage…I am NOT hard core enough to use anything other than double ply (and thanks to all my gut healing programs I’m VERY regular).  TMI? Yeah probably.

This doesn’t mean you should avoid making good decisions in regards to new viral threats but it does mean that living in fear only weakens your immune system and decreases your ability to make rational decisions. Keep yourself and loved ones safe but please turn off the news / social media when you start to feel fearful, out of control of your health or have thoughts of moving to an island (unless you own an island then please invite me).

Anyhoo! Here are some of my favorite flu fighting tips.


Step 2: Wash your hands. A LOT. Because of my love affair with the microbiome and all things bacteria I’m very hesitant to put anything in or on my family that has “antibacterial” properties. However, when it comes to washing poopy little hands and keeping away pathogenic bugs I know the importance of killing off viruses (which can spread easily through touch because we cough into our hands or touch our faces a lot). I love using homemade castille soap (foaming bottle + castile soap + antiviral essential oil) for a cheap, easy and effective DIY soap. There is truly no substitute to keeping bugs and viruses away than friction and a good scrubbing of hands

Step 3: RAMP UP antioxidant and antiviral support. Lots of colorful fruits and veggies, Vitamin C, D, A and Zinc.

Step 4: Pound that elderberry syrup for the win!


Step 5: Get great sleep and connect with nature.

Don’t believe me? Check out this handout by Klaire Labs that I found AFTER I wrote up my tips.

Klaire Labs Immune Support


Search for Klaire Labs supplements on Fullscript.


Confused about dosing of supplements? Check with your practitioner before starting any new supplements and find links to current research on them HERE.



This post contains affiliate links and is not meant to prescribe, dietary or supplement changes. Talk to your healthcare practitioner before makings any changes.