Fatigue and Gut Health

Fatigue and Gut Health

Our gut is intrinsically connected to our entire being. From allergies to eczema and mood stability to energy it all correlates to gut health. That doesn’t mean you need to have overt signs of GI distress (although MANY people do) to warrant fixing up your gut in order to live your best life! I help tired people get their lives back by fixing their gut and using food as medicine EVERY DAY!


I help tired people get their lives back by fixing the gut and using food as medicine.


Stress is a killer people! When we get stuck in “fight or flight” our ability to digest and use our food as energy is severely altered.

  • Practice a quick meditation before eating to increase digestion potential: I like “The Quickie” by Aviva Romm
  • Use Mindful Eating techniques to help your body to extract energy from your food

I find that when we walk through modulating and understanding the stress response my clients not only heal faster but are able to maintain and even exceed their health goals!

Bowel Movements:

If you are not having one to two, fully formed easy to expel poops a day you aren’t colonizing the right gut bugs to keep your health on track. You also aren’t getting enough nutrients extracted from your food no matter how healthy it is!

  • Just because you’ve struggled with diarrhea or constipation for years doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.
  • Skip habit forming laxatives or binders and CALL me.


Focus on color and texture. The more vibrant the food, the more energy potential it has for you. Eat ALL the colors!

Getting an energy boost from sugar and caffeine will inevitably end in a crash. Try these instead:

  • Pumpkin or sunflower seeds
  • Nuts: especially Brazil Nuts which are crazy high in selenium
  • Mineral salt: our adrenals speak in sodium and colored salt also has lots of other awesome trace minerals!)
  • Fruit and whole grain crackers: I like Simple Mills or Food Should Taste Good
  • Epic bars / nitrate free jerky


Everyone’s needs in this area are different!! Here are the most recommended supplements* I use in my practice for my tired and “cranky guts” peeps:

  • DGL and glutamine: heal and seal (also heartburn!!)
  • Zinc carnosine
  • Vitamin D with K2
  • Adaptogens (anyone need better sleep and less stress?!)
  • Phytonutrient multi
  • Targeted probiotics
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Triphala
  • Floradix

*Never start or stop any supplements or medications without consulting a healthcare professional

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